Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Breast-feeding can improve stereoscopic vision

Breast-feeding enhances kids' eyesight Reuters/Yahoo!News 2/7/07 "Breast-fed children are significantly more likely to do well in measures of stereoscopic vision than are those who received formula during infancy,..."Our study," Dr. Atul Singhal of the Institute of Child Health, London, told Reuters Health, "adds to the growing evidence that breast-feeding has long-term benefits for visual development."..."We don't know the mechanisms involved, but this benefit does not seem to be explained by the presence of certain omega 3 fatty acids -- DHA -- in human milk.""

This is a surprise since it has been thought for the past few years that DHA was the component that helped with stereoscopic vision. This research controlled for DHA and found it did not aid in the development of vision when added to baby formula. So then what is the component (s)? Or does DHA have to be combined with other components of breast milk that formula does not have?

Don't drop the DHA supplement yet because DHA can boost a babies intelligence .

Good site on Breastfeeding vs. Formula Feeding

DogVitals antioxidant supplement for dogs

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