Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Losing just one night's sleep makes brain prone to 'sudden shutdowns'

Losing just one night's sleep makes brain prone to 'sudden shutdowns'| News | This is London: "
"Being deprived of sleep even for one night makes the brain unstable and prone to sudden shutdowns akin to a power failure - brief lapses that hover between sleep and wakefulness, according to researchers. "It's as though it is both asleep and awake and they are switching between each other very rapidly," said David Dinges of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, whose study appears in the Journal of Neuroscience...people who are sleep-deprived alternate between periods of near-normal brain function and dramatic lapses in attention and visual processing...the lapses seem to suggest that loss of sleep renders the brain incapable of fully fending off the involuntary drive to sleep..."

Also -

Four Days Of REM Sleep Deprivation Affects Forebrain, Long-term Memory In Rats: "ScienceDaily (Feb. 6, 2008)

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