Friday, December 22, 2006

Fish Oil for Moms May Benefit Babies

Fish Oil Supplements During Pregnancy Improved Babies’ Hand-Eye Coordination WebMD 12/21/06 "Mothers who take fish oil supplements during pregnancypregnancy may improve their baby's hand-eye coordination and boost brain development..."These preliminary data indicate that supplementation with a relatively high-dose fish oil during the last 20 weeks of pregnancy is not only safe, but also seems to have potential beneficial effects that need to be explored further," write researcher J. A. Dunstan, of the University of Western Australia...results showed children of mothers who took fish oil supplements scored significantly higher on tests of hand-eye coordination than those who took olive oil supplements, even after taking other factors, such as the mother’s age and duration of breastfeedingbreastfeeding, into account."

So for all those parents wanting a sports prodigy, or even a video gaming champ (what a dream), maybe 4gms a day of fish oil can help. Not the most compelling reason to take omega 3 supplements. A better reason is here. It's tough to knock the overall record of fish oil - aiding in a variety of neurological functions for babies and the health of mothers. Currently most prenatal DHA supplements are around 200mg to 500mg. Too low. 1200mg is the amount used in the Norwegian study that showed increases in intelligence.

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